I got this idea from the mom of one of JD's schoolmates. I think it's a great way to sum up what happened this year, include a few bits of info, and guess at 2012 might bring. I got these questions from the internet and from what I've seen there are questions you can ask your kids on thier birthday every year and see how their answers change with them. Cool! Wish I had done this a last year with JD, but 5 is as good a place to start as any. I can even add the list to his scrapbook (the one I will eternally be working on LOL)
What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?
I went to Las Vegas…always wanted to go and have never been.
Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Honestly, I can’t even remember my resolution, so chances are I didn’t keep it. I haven’t really made one for this either, but before Christmas I decided I was going to really watch my sugar intake and started P90. Four weeks in and going strong!
What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
A new (or new to me) car
What date from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April 5…I turned 40!
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Managing a household on one income plus unemployment for almost the whole year. Did not miss a payment or bill…not a lot of fun stuff, but we had what we needed.
What was your biggest failure?
Gaining back the 8 lbs I lost the year before. L
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Even though the doctor said it was an upper respiratory infection, I’m not convinced I didn’t have the flu. Right as Reece was going back to work, I was out of work for a whole week. I couldn’t even sit up for 5 minutes and spent all that time in bed or lying on the couch. Reece also had some dental issue to deal with last year.
What was the best thing you bought?
Our Droid phones!!
Whose behavior merited celebration?
JD – for doing so well in school that they are currently testing him to see if he can be dismissed from the ECSN program.
Reece – for being Mr. Mom while he was out of work
Carolyn – for taking care of JD and getting him to school after Reece went back to work and even coming back up to meet the bus after Reece’s work schedule changed.
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?Let’s see…most people on reality TV.
Where did most of your money go?
Mortgage and bills
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Reece going back to work in September after almost 1 ½ years out of work.
What song will always remind you of 2011?
Probably Party Rock Anthem…it’s the first thing that popped into my head and JD loves to dance to it.
Compared to this time last year, are you:
happier or sadder? Happier…Reece is back to work and we’re actually going on a week vacation this summer.
thinner or fatter? Hhhmmm…well, since I gained the 8 lbs back, I guess fatter. My plan is to be the opposite this year.
richer or poorer? Richer for sure…financially, of course, with Reece back to work, but everywhere else as well. JD is making great strides at school with his speech. We got to spend a lot of time with our family and friends, who are so helpful and supportive. We have what we need, which is more than some people have these days, and we have each other.
What do you wish you’d done more of?
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worrying (money, my weight, what others think of what I do or say)
How did you spend Christmas?
We spent it in NJ with my family this year. Got to spend time with my brother and his girlfriend, Amy; with my parents; and with one of my best friends, Chris, who is JD’s godmother. This weekend, we’ll be doing Christmas with Reece’s family when our niece and nephew arrive from CA.
What was your favorite TV program?
My all-time favorite is CSI, but really love Big Bang Theory, The Sing-Off and The Voice.
What was the best book you read?
I’d have to say Inheritance, by Christopher Paolini. I waited a over a year for this to come out and I found it hard to put down, but didn’t want to get to the end because I know it's the last one in the series. I plan to keep them for JD so he can read them someday.
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Pentatonix on The Sing-Off…I love accapella music and used to sing in high school, but nothing like this! The music they can make with just their voices is just AMAZING!
What did you want and get?
For there to be work for Reece
What did you want and not get?
To refinance the house.
What was your favorite film of this year?
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
What was an unexpected joy this past year?
One of my best friends and her family stopped, on their way home from the Easter Shore of VA to MI, to have lunch with us and visit for a while. I got to see her twice this year!
What was an unexpected obstacle?I can’t say we really had any “unexpected” obstacles. It threw us off a bit when Reece’s schedule changed from where he’d be home to meet JD’s bus at 4:30 to him not getting home until 5 or just after. Luckily grand-mom to the rescue…she comes back up to meet the bus and stays with JD til daddy gets home.
Pick three words to describe 2011.Stressful, Busy, Fast
What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?Facebook!
What was the best way you used your time this past year?Learning to play video games again so I could play with JD.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 40 this year and celebrated by going to Vegas with 4 of my girlfriends from high school (we all turned 40 this year) for 4 days. It was so much fun! I also celebrated with some friends here…we all went to Cancun Cantina and I didn’t have to drive! Yay!
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being able to refinance the house.
What kept you sane?Girls’ night!! LOL And a little boy who makes me laugh!
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
Just because you fight with someone doesn’t mean you don’t love them…if you didn’t care about them you probably wouldn’t fight.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
“Life ain't always beautiful, But I know I'll be fine, Life ain't always beautiful, But it's a beautiful ride” - Gary Allan
Make 3 predictions for 2012:
- I will get back into my honeymoon bathing suit (keep your fingers crossed)
- JD will have a great time in kindergarten (Starts in Sept.)
- Someone in the house will get a new car