Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Momma Slacker in the House....

Well. It's been quite a while since I've posted an entry and there has been alot going on. Just momma being a slacker and not getting online to post. So here goes...

We're now just a little over 6 weeks into the school year and I'm still hearing "Do I have to go to school today?" At least it's usually on Saturday mornings, but when I tell him no, he gets all excited. Still working on transitioning to the new routine? I'd like to think not. Maybe he's just not going to LOVE school. Who knows. The word from the teacher is good though. We had our conference a few weeks ago and the teacher was very happy with what he's doing in class, his behavior and participation. He's still bringing home papers with stars and smiley faces and get smarty dots on his hand alot. Just waiting until he gets to Star of the Week...that will put a smile on his face.

JD's also been drawing alot when he gets to daycare in the morning. Says it makes him feel better and then he doesn't miss me when I leave. The current trend is to draw mostly everything in green marker...his favorite color. I feel like I need to buy a bunch of crayola markers in just green and bring them to the daycare since he uses them so much. LOL He draws our house in various configurations of the rooms, and he includes features that we can identify so we know what room it is, but there's almost always all 3 floors shown and almost always a yellow square in the bottom corner...the kitties littler box. Not sure why he thinks of that, but he does. Give me a little laugh. Other things he includes are daddy at his computer or JD and me on the couch playing PS3 and the kitties on the beds. Recently he's been copying words he sees too. Good practice.

We're still playing soccer, but mostly just at practice. He still hasn't played in an actual game. The season is almost over. Only 4 more games and we'll be out of town for one of them. So glad his coaches are very understanding with his reluctance to play in the games. Probably not going to sign up for next year at this point.

It's been a short Rennfest season for us. We've been 4 times since they opened (August 25th) and we'll be going one last time closing weekend, which is weekend after next. We've also gone on Sundays since soccer has taken up most of our Saturdays, but it's been okay. We just haven't seen alot of people we normally would this year because they go on Saturday. I never finished my green skirt, but I have a little over a week to add some colored tulle to an old one to make a peacock inspired one for the "day of wrong". The outfit is more costume than garb, but that's what day of wrong is about.

I've also been starting to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. Trying to get gifts early here and there since money's a little tight. Trying to plan on some homemade gifts too. We'll see how that goes. I did find a fabulous bread recipe that I plan to make for Thanksgiving and of course my apple pies. Luckily they will both travel well since we'll be heading to NJ this year.

Not much else to report, but it just always seems like we're busy....and that's not about to change anytime soon.
 On September 29th we went to Atiyeh and Chad's Wedding.
 Miss Atiyeh and her buddy JD.

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