Monday, March 5, 2012

March-ing on...

So, has March come in like a lamb or a lion? I guess we'll go with lamb, because of the sunny days, but the wind was roaring over the weekend. If it's planning on going out like a lion, I'd appreciate it being back to nice weather before we head to NJ for Easter. Also hoping for a warm Easter day so I can wear my favorite blue summer dress. :-) I'm looking froward to our NJ visit, becasue we'll be celebrating mom's 80th birthday too. Now we just need to decide on a place for dinner....some place nice that accomodates mini monsters, ah, I mean children. LOL

Well, other than having the inspection done (keep your fingers crossed for a good report) the new truck is at home in our driveway. That made for a very long week last week. We did get alot done this past weekend...laundry, cleaning, clearing the dining room table of junk, getting rid of some baby toys, taking out trash and recycling from the basement and taking care of a few errands that needed to be done. Whew!

We've been getting some additional camping dates on the books. If we don't do it now, sites will be booked full and we won't get anywhere. So far, we've got Elk Neck State Park in May and the Ocean City trip in July. Trying to get spring and fall weekend in Gettysburg also and possibly Cunningham Falls SP in June. Looking forward to doing some more camping this year!!

I haven't posted too many craft things lately, but there are projects in the works. I'm currently working on a baby blanket for my friend April. She's having a baby boy this month. For years now I have collected Harley/motorcycle theme paper and embellishments with the thought of doing a book for my brother. I plan to try and get that done for his birthday in April...I hope. I started my Christmas and Vacation scrapbooks at the last 2 crop days at Karen's. The vacation one is a Milestones album, which I've never used before. It has pages that hold 5 photos/papers (3 horizontal and 2 vertical), instead of the full 12x12 page. So far, I like it for the vacation stuff. I also have on order the scrapbook that I'm going to do our wedding photos in, again a Milestones album, and have ordered copies of wedding photos I didn't have printed. Now I need to get in the closet and get the box out for hings like programs, invites, stuff from our honeymoon, etc.  I also found a pattern on Pinterest for a small purse I'd like to make using fat quarters. Something for spring. Speaking of sewing, I need to consider anything I want to make for faire this year and maybe get a move on that before August (trying to not have a last minute, down to the wire, finish it for final day of faire project this year).

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