Wednesday, June 6, 2012

And the summer madness begins...

We're 6 days into June and I'm already updating calenders and checking dates, seeing where we can squeeze everything in. Then on top of that, how do we pay for it. Fun, fun!

In the next 4-5 weeks, we've got soccer camp and then Wee-Chefs camp for JD; a playdate with friends after work; dinner with a friend (hopefully); a scrapbook crop day; Swinefest (BBQ and beer festival in Frederick, MD); Father's Day; 4th of July and our week at the beach. I'm also trying to find time to get together with April and Karen and their families while April is visiting from FL. It's been a few years since I've seen her and it would be nice to see them and meet their new little boy.

It's kind of looking like Rennfest is going to be a short season for us this year with JD starting before school care the last week of August and having to pay $200 a month. Granted, that's not alot compared to what we could have been paying for the last 5 years in regular daycare, but with the new truck payment and Reece back to smoking, it puts a dent in the "fun" funds. I think I need to go through a bunch of the baby stuff we had for JD...the big stuff like strollers, exercisers, and such...and get it to a consignment shop to sell. That should help a little with the "fun" funds.

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