Thursday, October 6, 2011

An object in motion...

It seems like we're always on the go, trying to fit things in wherever we can. I feel like I don't know what a weekend is anymore, not to mention I can't believe it's October. There are Christmas decoration in the stores and I'm working on putting up Halloween ones. We were going to try and get out camping one more time this month, but all the campgrounds in Gettysburg are booked up. It kind of worked out though, since this is the last month for the MD Renaissance Festival; I have a scrapbooking crop I want attend; and we got a Groupon to go to a corn maze with our neighbors.

My current project: A Pirate Coat
In August I started working on this for Reece for rennfest this year. Now, I'm not the best seamstress, but I was doing really well until I ran into a problem putting in the facing. That got put to the side and then I had to move the sewing machine off the table for something else and the other day Reece asked if he'd have it for this year. Yikes! I have about 2 full weeks to finish this up and luckily my mother in-law sews very well and we're going to look at the problem tonight. Keep your fingers crossed...maybe this will get done. All I can say is I'm going to be so proud of myself when I finish this, because this is the first garment I've done mostly by myself.

My ongoing (read as, rarely worked on) project: Scrapbooks
My friend Karen is a Creative Memories consultant and hosts crops at her house every month. So far I've made it to one. I planned to go last moth, but was sidelined by a respiratory infection. No fun! It's great to go there with other people doing the same thing becasue we share ideas and I can't get this done at home. There's always something to be done or someone needs something. At the one I did make it to, I finished 6 pages of JD's baby book. That felt good! Yeah, I know, he's almost 5. I hope to have it done before he hits high school. At some point I also intend to do our wedding/honeymoon photos and our family vacations. On a side note, I could just kick myself for missing the penny prints at Snapfish. That was when I was sick...couldn't get up to get on the computer. I was going to have all the wedding and a bunch of vacation photos printed. Guess I'll just keep an eye out for next time.

So, the coming weeks will be busy and I'm sure that will carry over to November and December. Hopefully we'll have a visit over Halloween weekend from my parents to help out while Carolyn and Dean are on vacation. It's time for me to start making lists - I'm a list maker, it makes me feel better to cross things off. Let's see...a Halloween costume for JD; start thinking about Thanksgiving at our house this year; come up with a date for an open house to invite friends over; and last but not least...start buying Christmas gifts. It will be here before you know it.

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