Well, I can cross a few things off my "To Do List", which makes me feel better. I've purchased some Christmas gifts and decided on others. I've got a package ready to go out in the mail tomorrow. We had out family pictures done (story to come) and I got to work on a scrapbooking project for Christmas that I had pretty much given up on even starting. I have my mother in-law and Betsy to thank for that, because they came to my house yesterday and we all worked on projects together. If they weren't there I would have found a million other things to do.
Thanksgiving is 2 days away and I actually have less to do now that previously planned. Carolyn and Dean are bringing a bunch of food, so all we have to do is fry the turkey, make some rolls and 2 sides. I'm also going to make an apple pie, with my homemade pie dough (for the first time!) and possibly an apple cream cheese bundt cake. JD is looking forward to Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's visit and has been marking off the days on the calendar for the last week. He also drew a picture of himself with Pop-Pop on his mini magna-doodle on the fridge. Dad's gonna love that!!
We finally had our family photos done a few weeks ago. We went to Portrait Innovations, who we used last time, but we went to their new location in Frederick. JD was NOT happy about doing this and told us "I'm gonna stay in the car and you and daddy can get your picture taken." Yeah, right. So, let's just say the girl who was taking our photos earned her money that day. The first bunch of have JD's squinty-eye, closed-mouth, cheesy smile. He warmed up after a while...after she told him she'd give him a lollipop if he was good for the pictures. LOL One of the best things for me was that the place was in the same shopping center as the new Wegmans and we went over there to grab lunch and look around while waiting for our prints to be done. Of course we didn't escape without jalapeno cheese bread, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, cheese, and K-Cups.
Hope you enjoy our new photos!