It was bound to happen sooner or later and seeing as he's almost 6, we've done pretty well. We had to make our first trip to the ER with JD on November 29th. He and daddy were playing around in the kitchen right before he went up to bed and lost his balance and hit his head, about 1/2 an inch from his right eye, on the corner of the half wall in the kitchen. We figured he'd have a bump and when we looked it was bleeding...then he saw it was bleding and started screaming and crying, which only made it bleed worse. I grabbed a kitchen towel to put over it and Reece ran for the band-aids...I knew however that this would need more than a band-aid. We grabbed his Bobo bear , left the house about 9:25 and tried the urgent care place up the street, but they closed at 9, so it was off to Carroll County Hosptial Center...about a 20-25 minute drive. On the way JD started saying "I'm scared, I don't want stitches...promise I won't get stitches!" I told him I couldn't promise that, but we'd see. Luckily the wait wasn't long and the nurses were really great with him. His eyes got teary a few times and his lip was quivering, but he never cried after we got there. They checked him out to make sure he didn't have a concussion and the PA asked him all kinds of questions, like how many of his stuffed bear did he see; did he have a headache, did he feel like he was going to throw up (no, that was mommy!). Luckily they were able to use dermabond and steri-strips to close it (I told the nurse that he was really scared about getting stitches, so if there was a way to do it without, that would be awesome). On the way home he said he was going to tell his classmates about the ER and then says "That's a pretty fun place." Um, got stickers and chocolate pudding, of course it's fun. LOL Can we not go back to the "fun" place anytime soon, thanks. At least it was not a horrible experience for him.
The steri-strips are still on a little over a week later, but we've been extra careful not to get them wet and we've been keeping a band-aid on it during the day. He missed PE last week since the school nurse suggested that if they were playing field hockey, it might be best to write him a note to be excused. Otherwise it hasn't stopped him, my little tough guy. He even particiapted in crazy hair day at school the day after this happened. Daddy spiked his hair and painted it green. Reece felt really bad, since it happenend while they were playing and was worried JD wouldn't want to horse around with him anymore.
Friday, the day after it happened. This was after he got home from school. |
This was Sunday, first time we took the band-aid off. You can see a little bruise too. |