Monday, May 14, 2012

Soccer mom status...was this a good idea?

Well, JD is officially signed up for the fall soccer league in Sykesville. The Sykesville-Freedom Opimists Club run the league. I talked to some one at sign up to see how many practices they have and how many know, to see what we're in for. LOL He said JD's age group would be at Eledersburg ES for everything, which is great beacause it's close to us. Practices start in August, two days a week and then switch to one day when games start. Games are on Saturday. Still not sure if this is going to be a good thing or not for several reasons...
  1. I envision JD just sitting on the feild refusing to play because he can't do something right (according to him).
  2. Better yet, I envision him refusing to go to the first practice
  3. He's going to be (blessedly) tired the first few weeks of practice might not go so well.
  4. Game times on Saturday vary...morning to afternoon. Have we just ruined plans for fall camping and anything else we want to do (rennfest?).
I guess we'll see what happens. Luckily his friends, Max, Savannah and Lindsay are playing this year too and we could put down his friends names on the form and they'd try to get him on a team with one of them.

On top of all this, I realize I'm starting to get a little stressed about school starting. Not like, "Oh my baby is going to school, he's growing up!" stressed. Been there, got him on the school bus for his pre-k program. Stuff like this runs through my mind (and I'll add to the list as I come up with new things running around my head):
  • If we do before school care, we have to send breakfast for there and then lunch for school...where is he going to put this stuff and not take a giant lunch box. Since he's coming home right from school, he can't leave a separate bag for breakfast at daycare to be picked up later. Paper bag for breakfast, maybe?
  • I hope they don't give alot of homework the first week...okay, month, of school. I'm quite sure JD will pass out early because this new schedule is going to be a shock to him.
  • I hope he gives things a try. I'm afraid he's just going to give up at things he's has to try more than once to get. I'm afraid he's going to not answer or participate because he doesn't know an answer or thinks he'll be wrong.
  • I hope he's not picked on by other kids and for that matter, doesn't pick on anyone else.
  • Does he need to know how to tie shoes? (Not that he has sneakers with laces at the moment, but he'll have to know eventually)
  • Is his backpack large enough?
  • What the heck is he going to be taking for lunches? Sometimes he'll tell you he wants something and then doesn't want it. Guess he'll learn, if he's hungry he'll eat it.
I should be completely nutso by the time school starts. LOL

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Where has the year gone...

I honestly can't believe it's the beginning of May. Getting ready for graduation parties, Memorial Day and starting to really think about our week at the beach in July. Actully, I've been thinking about that alot. So much so that I'm back to logging food and doing Shaun T's Rockin' Body DVDs according to the schedule, even if it means getting up 2-3 morning a week at 4:15-4:30 so I can workout 6 days a week without sacrificing every evening with JD. I'm even considering Insanity...oh, yes, that Insanity you see on TV. I must be nuts, but I'm not going to beach feeling crummy about being in a bathing suit. I'll let you know if that happens and how it works out...if I haven't collapsed in my basment.

I've been trying to work on figuring out if we'll need before and after school care for JD too. So far, since Reece's schedule is back to 6am-2pm, we may just need before care. However, in order to save money, I may just change my work schedule and come in later so I can get him on the bus and then I'll just have to work until 5:30 or 6. Ugh! So not used to that, but if it saves us money I might. Of course I have no idea what time the bus would pick him up and they can't really tell me since the bell schedule is changing for next year. I still have to get his medical form to his pediatrician and remember to take the dental form to his appointment next Friday.

I know the rest of the school year and this summer are going to fly by. If I figure correctly, he's got 6 more speech sessions left, including today. Then it's up to us to keep his skills up for the summer. I was reading the blog of one of JD's former classmates mom and she was saying how this little boy was dismissed from the program also and was reading at a mid-kindergarten level. Reading?! JD's not reading. I know, I shouldn't listen to other parents about stuff like this and compare JD because all kids are different, but it kind of makes me worry. I need to check into the readiness information they sent home also. I'm trying to work on sight words with him and we still have that "Bridging the Gap to Kindergarten" book to work on. I'm just so worried that we're going to get calls about JD not wanting to cooperate or participate in his class/school work. He doesn't like to be wrong and if he thinks he is, he just doesn't want to participate. That's a habit we need to break.

Another reason the summer wil fly by is that as soon as May rolls around, the weekends start filling up with things to do. As I mentioned we have graduation parties, birthday parties, a few camping weekends, the tubing trip, mother's day and father's day and we still need to get back up to NJ to have the big birthday celebration dinner for mom. I think I need a clone...or more hours in my days.